I believe in life-long learning. I believe it’s important to maintain a curiosity about the world and to make learning enjoyable. I enjoy the simple pleasures in life which include time with friends and family, or a good meal. I believe that living in the moment is important. I try to make it my habit to see the best in people and to treat others with courtesy and respect. Life is too short -let’s make the best of who we are and show gratitude for what we’ve been given!
Tutoring Experience
I have many years of experience as a teacher with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board. During my retirement, I have been tutoring students privately at various grade levels in a variety of subjects. My area of expertise is reading, writing, and grammar.
Bachelor of Arts (Major in English Literature); Bachelor of Education; Master of Library Science; Master of Theology (in progress)
Teaching Credentials
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
Ontario College of Teachers OCT 493184
I am a long-suffering fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs. I also follow baseball, basketball and football. I am a strong believer in personal fitness. I enjoy working in my home-gym, cycling and tennis. I take university courses out of personal interest. I am a grammar geek who enjoys reading, writing and public speaking. I love travel and I am looking forward to doing so again in the future.
$70.00 /hour + HST